Tree Removals & Trimming Starting 10/14

Posted By on October 11, 2024

Harvest Landscape will be completing tree removals and tree trimming in select areas of the community. If an owner has contacted our office with a tree concern in the past, they do not need to submit another request. Their request has been documented and considered. If work is not completed, in their area it was not recommended for action at this time by the Arborist.

Work will be done on near the addressed noted below

20351, 20321, 20332, 20302 Tidepool, 8191, 8211 Sandcove, 8111 Atwater, 20322 Portview, 8152, 8182 Mainsail, 8131, 8202 Racepoint, 20262 Billingsgate, 20212 Sealargo, 20335 Seabright.

Photos of the tree locations have been saved on the Resident Portal under Notices.


8102 Bridgepoint
Huntington Beach, CA 92646

Management Team

Foxy Hudson |

Manager Assistant
Katie Greer |

Management Company

Action Property Management
Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303